Monday, July 21, 2014

Uncomfortable Comfort

By Lucas 

In this day and age we are surrounded by things that increase our comfort level. We have cars that allow us to get from one place to the next without walking, and in those cars we have air conditioning, the seats are soft and in some cases cooled or heated to keep us comfortable. We wear comfortable clothes. We fill our houses with things that make us feel good. Listen to music that makes us feel good, and save up money in case we need it for something that could happen down the road. None of these things are bad or wrong by any means. As humans we have an inherent need for things that make us feel comfortable because, let's face it, none of us like to be uncomfortable. It's just, well, uncomfortable. But as a Christian the one thing we should learn to expect is to be uncomfortable. Why? Why would The Lord want his children to be uncomfortable? The answer to this is quite simple, The Lord does not want us to be comfortable because He wants us to rely solely on Him for our comfort. The Israelites found this out many times throughout the Old Testament, and the people of Israel said to Him, “Would that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the meat pots and ate bread to the full, for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” (Exodus 16:3 ESV) 

This verse paints the picture of Gods people finding comfort in their slavery and not in the promises of God. God had brought them out of slavery, parted the Red Sea and was bringing them into his promised land, but because they were hungry they started complaining and longed to be back where they had become comfortable, by the meat pots in slavery. We can become so attached to things that make us feel comfortable we would choose those momentary conveniences over what God has to offer us. 

What happens when we become too comfortable? Well, God will put you through uncomfortable situations. Why does He do this? Because His desire is for us to find our comfort in Him and nothing else. He should be what we pine for. 

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4 ESV) 

The Lord knows you, He knows your needs and He knows the condition of your heart. When you are too comfortable, He will bring along a trial or testing of some kind to not only draw you back to Him but to strengthen your faith in Him. 

On the flip side of being uncomfortable is being comforted, there is no better source of comfort in this life than that of our Savior. He is the good shepherd and a strong and mighty fortress (Psalm 9:9, Nahum 1:7). 

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

In everything we go through in this life we have His promise...

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV) 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

So Lost And So Far Gone

By Quentin 

We were driving along 
And I'd always wondered
Where that road went to

So we turned around
And took ourselves 
A little detour

And a mile turned into twenty,
Then to fifty
Soon we were so lost 
And so far gone 
That any way we turned 
Would have to be on the way back home

We stopped at a bar in Valentine
And Johnny met a girl with a Mexican name
And I never saw Johnny again

And a mile turned into twenty,
Then to fifty 
Soon we were so lost 
And so far gone 
That any way we turned 
Would have to be on the way back home

There are probably sadder stories that I could tell
But I'm afraid this one
Might just end in hell

So I stopped to ask directions
At a small church 
near Las Cruces, New Mexico

The preacher, 
he pointed back east and said
The Way of the Cross leads Home

And a mile turned into twenty
Then to fifty
And soon I was close 
And so far along 
That I could see the lights
On my way back Home. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

4 Things That Make Soccer Fans Better Christians

By Jordan Sauceda

13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

I have greatly enjoyed watching the 2014 FIFA World Cup. I played soccer (or futbol for you non-Americans) in my younger days and have been anticipating this World Cup, which is being held in Brazil (Futbol Heaven). This year has not disappointed. Reigning champs, Spain, lost twice. The USA did well with advancing to the round of 16. Brazil got stomped by Germany 7-1. Some teams have made their fellow countrymen soar with pride (Costa Rica over Italy). Others have felt like their hearts were ripped out of their chest (Netherlands over Mexico). There is something special about the game that brings the world together, something almost sacred. 

So here is my stretch-of-a-claim that soccer fans make better Christians. Be prepared for pure opinion:

#1 Global Awareness
You can find soccer fans/players just about everywhere in the world. Soccer fans will know (or at least heard of) more nations than the non-soccer fans on average. When a Christ-centered believer is learns about other nations it can lead to good things happening. Mission trips, donations, dedicated prayer, etc. They grow in global awareness.  

#2 Faithfulness and Patience
It may take a long time for your team to score a goal. Like a really,really long time...sometimes you have to wait several games until your team scores a goal. Goals in life can take awhile. Christ-centered believers will understand the fruit of staying faithful and having patience. 

#3 Passionate, Joyful Noise Makers
Kids of all ages will shout and scream an unadulterated cry of the heart when their underdog team wins. When an average team wins an unlikely championship new, joyful sounds can be heard filling stadiums in what seems to be a religious experience. The Psalmist writes Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises. Christ-centered believers that enjoy soccer will not only be willing to "shout joyfully to the LORD"; I'm convinced that soccer fans are leading the chant and pushing the limits of the human voice.

#4 Steadfast Spirit
Soccer is non-stop. The clock doesn't stop. There are no timeouts. Often after all 90 minutes have been played, the match still doesn't stop. Then there is extra time. The players have to be conditioned to run, and then kick, and run some more. Sometimes players are glad when an injury occurs so they can at least take a knee and breathe. Yikes! As a believer, we know that we can't just take days off. Everyday is a day that the Lord has made and should be used wisely for His glory. As we "press on toward the goal" we do so with a steadfast spirit that tries and longs to win the prize. 

If I'm right about any of this, then let's try to be better soccer fans. 
It is the sport that the world plays. 
Let's keep watching and just maybe we'll know how to learn, wait, shout joyfully, and stay strong.

Keep Kicking,