Sunday, July 13, 2014

So Lost And So Far Gone

By Quentin 

We were driving along 
And I'd always wondered
Where that road went to

So we turned around
And took ourselves 
A little detour

And a mile turned into twenty,
Then to fifty
Soon we were so lost 
And so far gone 
That any way we turned 
Would have to be on the way back home

We stopped at a bar in Valentine
And Johnny met a girl with a Mexican name
And I never saw Johnny again

And a mile turned into twenty,
Then to fifty 
Soon we were so lost 
And so far gone 
That any way we turned 
Would have to be on the way back home

There are probably sadder stories that I could tell
But I'm afraid this one
Might just end in hell

So I stopped to ask directions
At a small church 
near Las Cruces, New Mexico

The preacher, 
he pointed back east and said
The Way of the Cross leads Home

And a mile turned into twenty
Then to fifty
And soon I was close 
And so far along 
That I could see the lights
On my way back Home. 

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